Scholarships & Awards
Scholarships 2025-2026
2024 Scholarship Recipients
Scholarships for college and graduate students are being offered by the ASA for the 2025-2026 academic year.
In order to be eligible for an ASA Scholarship, you must meet the following criteria:
Must be of Armenian descent.
Must be enrolled as a full-time student and have completed one full year of academics at a four-year accredited U.S. college by June 2025 OR must be enrolled in a two-year college and are transferring to a four-year college or university as a full time student in the Fall 2025.
Must be a U.S. citizen OR must possess appropriate Visa status in order to study in the U.S.
Application Procedures:
You must meet all the eligible criteria stated above.
You may begin submitting your applications after January 1, 2025. The deadline for the application and all required documentation is April 1, 2025. Your application and all supporting documentation must be postmarked no later than April 1, 2025. Late applications will not be considered.
All sections of the application must be typed or legibly written in order to be considered.
A non-refundable application processing fee of $15.00 (checks made payable to: Armenian Students' Association) is to be submitted with the application form.

To obtain an ASA Scholarship Application Form or to get further information:
Applications open in January
• Click on the ASA Scholarship Application Document links below:
• E-Mail the ASA office
• Write to:
ASA Scholarship Committee
588 Boston Post Road Suite 364
Weston, MA 02493
• Call the ASA office at (401) 461-6114.
ASA Awards
Gold Medal Award
Apply for a Gold Medal Award
To further promote "educational pursuits by Armenians in America," as stated in the Constitution, the ASA instituted the Gold Medal Award in 1939. As many as five medals are awarded annually to active members of the ASA who have shown exceptional academic achievement while studying in colleges in the United States.
Silver Medal Award
Apply for a Silver Medal Award
To further emphasize the importance of education, the ASA instituted the Silver Medal Award in 1963. Up to 10 medals are given to high school seniors who have demonstrated outstanding scholastic ability.
Boyan Award
The Ara S. Boyan Award in Humanities is the third to be created bearing the name of a former Board Chairman. The award is given to the Armenian-American who has been outstanding in the field of Humanities -- the Living Arts. Mr. Boyan, a graduate of City College of New York, served the Association for over forty years.
Dadian Award
The Arthur H. Dadian Armenian Heritage Award, was established through the generosity of Arthur H. Dadian, a graduate of Harvard University. Born in Caesaria, Turkey, Dadian came to the U.S. in 1920 and settled in Watertown, Massachusetts. Active in ASA for many years, Dadian helped create the Washington Branch and was its President. He also served as President of the Central Executive Committee of the ASA. A great believer in continuing education, Dadian initiated the creation of this special award. The award is presented to an outstanding contributor to the preservation of the rich Armenian culture to the world community.
Kabakjian Award
The Kabakjian Award was created in 1948 in commemoration of Professor Dicran H. Kabakjian, head of the Physics Department of the University of Pennsylvania and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Association for many years. His great faith and love for Armenian youth was an inspiring force and won for him the affectionate title "Father of the ASA." He was noted for his early research in the field of radium. Presentations are made to the person in America of Armenian descent who has been outstanding in the field of science.
Sarafian Award
Haig G. Sarafian, Chairman of the Board of Trustees for many years, took the lead in keeping this challenge dynamically before the "Students." To honor his memory, the Sarafian Award for Good Citizenship was established in 1960 and is bestowed upon Armenians who have made exceptional contributions to community life.
Zakian Award
The Aram Zakian Award is given to a business person in America who is actively involved in both the Armenian and American comunity. Mr. Zakian exemplified the ideals of this award by serving the Association since 1932 as Philadelphia Branch President and Board Chairman. He was also a member of other Armenian organizations and was a Mason of the Shrine Order.